Ali found this counting book at the library and wanted to bring it home for Piggy...notice Lizzie is only second choice after Piggy! (That's pretty good considering ALL of her stuffed animal friends!! I don't know if Lizzie was the kind of student Ali wanted...but at least she tried!!

Lizzie's first time eating solid foods! I was a bit bored one day and Lizzie was almost 6 months old so we decided that it would be a good day to feed the baby!! Since then she has eaten sweet potatoes, acorn squash, and butternut squash...she is doing great and seems to like it!!

It's yummy...I promise!!

We celebrated our 8th Anniversary on August 5th. I feel SO lucky to be married to such a wonderful man...when you are young and in love you don't think about all of the things that might be issues later in a marriage...it's merely a leap of faith....So even though Chris and I knew each other really well when we got married, I didn't know that I would love him even more now because he is so thoughtful, hard-working, commited to our marriage, loving, and, of course, a wonderful father!!

Ali got to play with Maggie while we went out to dinner for our anniversary. Maggie is a great babysitter and Ali just loves her!