I can't believe our baby is almost ONE year old! She loves smoothies which is why this picture was taken! She doesn't want to sit still now that she scoots and is starting to CRAWL!! We hear a lot of "DA, DA" and "MA, MA" but not in reference to us...just anything that catches her eye...like teddy bears, balls, Ali's toys, food Ali is eating! I love this age...she is just so interested in everything and learning so much so quickly. We love you little Lulu or Boo (her nicknames change daily depending on which names Ali is rhyming!!)

Thank you Aunt Wendy!! We went to Build a Bear and used the gift card you gave Ali and she wanted 2 outfits for her bear...of course she wanted princess outfits! And I have started sewing a fin and seashells so that Ali can have an Ariel Little Mermaid outfit to match her bear!! And we are just so proud of her....she wrote the beginning letters of each word in a sentence today. She wrote, "W M G B T"....meaning "We make gingerbread today." Since some of my kindergarteners couldn't do that I'm pretty proud of her!! :)

I just had to tell everyone to READ THIS BOOK!! It is so amazing...I'm deliriously happy that we have such an intelligent president who wants such good things for our country and the world. His optimism and hope is an inspiration to me. I am an Obama FAN!!