Maybe it's the unexpected gorgeous weather we had this weekend or maybe it's just because we stayed at home and relaxed a lot, but I am feeling SO thankful for everything in my life. We are so lucky to have moved to this great neighborhood where there is never a dull moment (there are so many families with kids here now that there is sometimes an overabundance of activities to choose from!), our girls are happy, easily entertained, like to play with each other, like being at home but are flexible when we go out, are good to each other, Chris is such a wonderful husband and father (we are communicating really well right now!), and I just feel so blessed. So, why a picture of my refrigerator and pantry??? Well, obviously that is part of the reason we are so lucky (and I also love feeling so prepared and food-organized so I had to show you!) but I want to remember to really appreciate all we have. We have SO much in our lives from groceries to friends to our wonderful families and we are so thankful for it all.

I love Costco....probably too much!!

Our kissy girls...I love it when they aren't in fighting moods and love on each other so well!

Breakfast around the island...just a regular morning but I'm going to miss it so much when things start to change and the girls get bigger. I don't want to take this time for granted.