I can't believe we got to go all the way to CHINA!! But that is the benefit of having relatives who live in far away places...we get to visit and explore new areas! Chris' brother, Colin, and his wife, Elizabeth, have been living in Shanghai for over a year and they were SO generous to give us miles for airline tickets to come visit them...THANK YOU!! It was an awesome week!!

I put this picture in a bit prematurely...see you really need to know the background story first. You need to understand what our strenuous itinerary was like during our week...Colin and Elizabeth were amazing tour guides but they really had us stressed out with trying to fit everything in...here is a sample day: Wake up and slowly get ready, stroll around an amazing part of the city while getting lots of interesting information from our guides, stop and have a coffee, walk around some more, have a foot massage, stop and have a really good lunch, walk around, play pool or darts and have a beer, take a nap, go have cocktails somewhere, then an amazing dinner. See, it was a really stressful week!!
And the story behind this very masculine picture of Chris is that we were ordering drinks one night, this very pink drink in a fragile and dainty glass is set before us, Chris says to me, "Oh your drink looks good", and the bartender (who, by the way, is British NOT Chinese) says, "No that's YOUR drink!!"

We took an overnight trip to a smaller town outside of Shanghai, Hangzhou, which only had about 5 million people (as opposed to Shanghai with 25 million people!!) It was really pretty with lots of trees around a nice lake. There weren't very many westerners there so we got LOTS of curious looks!

Another view of the pink drink! Elizabeth and Colin with one of their friends (the Einstein looking fellow!)