Sunday, March 21, 2010

March Madness

While millions of other men were sitting on the couch all weekend watching basketball, my wonderful husband and amazing father-to-my-children spent the whole weekend putting the girls' swing set together! Of course, the weather during the week was in the gorgeous high 60's and the weekEND was rainy and cold! But that didn't stop him! He started in the garage and then finished in the rain outside. He said that he dreads starting home projects but once he's started he wants to just finish!! So, I SWEAR I did NOT make him miss all that basketball!! He really wanted to see the girls play on it!

The first time swinging! Hooray!! :) We love you Daddy and we are SO proud of you!!
I also wanted to thank Chris for spending all day Saturday the previous weekend with the girls while I got to go to a conference called "Hearts at Home". This was where I got to attend workshops focusing on mothering and being a wife! Now, you might think that sounds odd from someone who minored in women's studies...but honestly I LOVE being a mother and a wife, I love to be inspired and to be better at my job!! So...a few things I learned...
1. What is in your heart comes out of your mouth...try to let go of resentment, bitterness, etc. so that you can speak gently. Words are so powerful in creating your world. I love this...I've really been trying to be more patient and loving in ALL of my words.
2. Ways to LOVE your husband! Respect him (again...what is in your heart shows through your words), affirm him, pursue him...When these things happen then he is able to show lots of love for you. Sometimes I need reminders to show my love by doing these things...that's why I loved going to this conference!
3. Ways to create thankful thankful yourself and model appreciating all we have. Overindulged children grow up with a sense of entitlement whereas children who grow up with a bit less (and learning how to deal with "NO") learn to be grateful. This is so hard in this culture of materialism but I would really like to focus on this. Our girls have SOO much (see pictures above!) and I want them to really appreciate it.
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