The real night of Halloween, our 2 neighbors that have kids the same ages as ours came over for dinner and then they trick or treated up and down our street. After that, we drove to another friends' neighborhood and got MORE candy! Although Elizabeth got cold and said, "I have ENOUGH candy!" (Costumes: Cats)

Boo at the Zoo: It was really fun to be back at the Denver Zoo. We used to take Ali there all the time when she was one and two years old. It was fun to go this time with Sheila, Finn, Tiare, and Thadeus. (Costumes: Dorothy and a witch!)

Trunk or Treat at School: We got to take Lauren the Ladybug (Chris' HS friend Aaron and Mandie's little girl) with us. It's been fun to see a few old friends around Denver. (Costumes: Cat and Rapunzel)
We also were invited to a friend's Halloween party and the girls dressed up as Snow White and a Queen! We had a lot of variety this year inour costumes but it was all fun! I love this time of year!
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