Friday, September 30, 2011

Date Night

Thank you SO much Oma and Opa for babysitting!!

Oh, I missed these Rio margaritas!! YUM! YUM! We also got to go to a play at the performing arts center and stay at the cutest hotel in Denver. Loved just walking around all night!

We had the nicest night out in nice to be married to such a great guy!

Life with 2 little girls

Their Halloween outfits...we might as well enjoy them as much as we can because who knows if they will really be cats for the actual Halloween night or not!! They keep changing their minds...which is fine because they know that we are only BUYING one costume. If they decide to wear something we already have at home, that's okay. I just wanted to snap this while they were still in the cat frame of mind!

And here is the reason why they had cats on the brain...Here is Coco. Sadly, she was only with us for a week. Then we had to give her back to the shelter because she wasn't very happy with us. (Nor I with not using the litter box.) She didn't really like kids and would hide everytime the girls were around. I HOPE she found another home. Now, the girls are wanting a dog.Ugh! I am just not a pet person...I may be forced to change! :)

Ariel making chocolate cookies for an after school snack for her big sister! We miss Ali while she is gone all day...I think Lizzie gets a bit bored with just having me as a playmate sometimes. Sometimes we'll have lots to do and have fun together but then sometimes she will be playing and I'll come in and try to join her and she'll look at me and say, "Mommy, I just want to play by myself!" I don't think I'm as much fun as Ali!! :)

Break, Wall, Waterfall, Girl you think you know it all. You don't. I do. So, BOOM with the attitude! Reeces Pieces, 7 UP, Mess with me, I'll mess you up!

Those words coming out of a 3 year old or 6 year old's mouth is hilarious! They learned this little poem/cheer/little ditty from an older girl (thanks Sheila's friend's daughter!). Even though it is quite sassy and sounds like it was NOT originally from the suburbs of Colorado, it cracks me up!

I guess Elizabeth had an audience while doing this with Oma and Opa at the local yogurt shop!!

Fall BBQs and visitors!

Look at this cute little family all matching in green! :) Pete, Sheila, and Finn

We finally got our new grill put together so we could enjoy our new deck this lovely fall. Chris is very happy!

Nana, Poppa, & Wendy came from out of town to enjoy this great weather, meet Finn, and hang out on our deck! Oma & Opa came to visit also! While we were hanging out, Ali and Lizzie decided to help out by refilling water glasses and appetizer dishes. Someone had the great idea of giving them tips with pennies! So, they were kept busy AND motivated! When they ran out of glasses to refill, they started selling artwork!

Here they are in the basement coloring pictures to take them upstairs to sell to grandparents! It was a perfect way to entertain themselves while we got time to chat!

New home visitors

We got lots of visitors to our new home because everyone wanted to come to Denver to visit Baby Finn! :) Well, and us too! Here I let the girls wear their Christmas outfits to go out to dinner with Grandma and Grandpa even though it is months away....just so they could feel special!

Grandma and Grandpa with their first GrandSON!

It was fun to see you guys! Thanks for visiting and can't wait to see you again soon! :)