Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lemonade anyone?

Ali LOVES our next door neighbor, Hannah. She is 10 and when she is not busy with her friends, she comes over and plays with Ali. She started being a Mom's helper this summer and so last week we had her come over for a couple of hours to play with the girls while I got dinner ready. She is so sweet and got Ali out to play outside (when her preference is to stay inside) to play in the sprinkler and then they decided to have a lemonade stand! It was so cute and they made $14!! Pretty good for an hour of work! :)
Lizzie, who usually does not nap anymore, was actually napping this afternoon so Ali got Hannah all to herself!
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Ty's first 4th of July

Our little Ty is still doing great! He lets Lizzie play with (torture) him and he lets Ali hold him like a baby (which is why she wanted a pet!)

I made my first ever PIE! I saw this on my friend, Melanie's, cooking blog (sisterscafe.blogspot.com) and I just wanted to try it! By the way, I LOVE her cooking blog and get tons of great recipes off of it! Thank you Melanie! My apple pie was SO delicious! It was fun to finally make my own crust and everything! Now I know I can do it! :)
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Happy 4th

Our neighborhood had a BBQ and after it rained for a bit, it was great fun! I think the girls' favorite part is that they can EAT anything they want...chips, cookies, popsicles, marshmellows! I try to get them to eat at least a hot dog or grapes but they get to do whatever they want on these few special nights a year!! :)
Ali and her friend Lillian had matching dresses...we bought the same ones and didn't even plan it!
The bike parade! All of the bikes, wagons, and trikes were all decked out and we rode around the neighborhood!
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