Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Yahoo!! We were so lucky to get to visit AZ in the warm weather! We arrived at Grandpa and Grandma's house and Alexandra immediately undressed, put on her swimming suit, and jumped in the water! Elizabeth followed and I didn't even have time to put her suit on the first day! We were so happy to be there and to see everyone!
Here's Grandpa one week and a half after having open heart surgery!! He is looking GREAT and recovering really well! We were SOOO happy to see him and give him lots of hugs! It was hard being so far away during his hospital stay so we were glad to see him in person finally!
Alexandra meets her very first cousin--NORA!! She was so excited to help out. She is so sweet with babies and gives them lots of kisses and attention! She didn't want Auntie Erin and Uncle Tony to take her home!!
Hi Grandma!! Thanks for everything during our stay!
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1 comment:

Melanie Anne said...

Yikes--open heart surgery for your Dad?! That is awful--he looks great though. I am glad he is doing so well now! It looks like you had such a fun visit! We need to time our trips to AZ one of these times and get together!