Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Birthday America!

The morning of the 4th, Alexandra asked how old our country is...after a bit of math we figured it out...233 years! Sounds like a LOT to a four year old! We celebrated with 4 other families in our neighborhood...BBQ, some little sparkler fireworks, and then we got to see the city's fireworks from the backyard! Both girls did great and both stayed up until 10:30pm!!

Here is a crazy ring around the rosie game....But the cutest game they did was when it started to sprinkle and the girls ran around singing "Rain, rain, go away" and the rain stopped! Ali said, "The rain listened to us!"
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1 comment:

Melanie Anne said...

What darling all american little girls! It sounds like you have such fun friends in your new neighborhood.