Monday, May 17, 2010

Big Girl Panties!

It has been 2 weeks and Lizzie is doing great! Everytime she goes potty it's like a tiny miracle and I get SO happy! I am SO happy to be done with diapers!! YAY YAY YAY!! She loves getting fruit snacks and M&Ms each time and she even had like 4 days in a row with no accidents! Ali is such a big helper and encourager! I'm so proud of Lizzie...she is 2 years old and 3 months!!
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1 comment:

Melanie Anne said...

WOoo Hoo!! Congrats Lizzie and you Emily:) No more diapers--that is exciting!! I have just potty trained Cannon the last couple of weeks--but he almost three. I am so impressed with your little one!! She is a big girl now and soo cute!!