Sunday, January 24, 2010

Off to Colorado

Playing Ring Around the Rosie together before we leave for the airport....

I can't believe my girls will be leaving me for FIVE days! When Chris had another training in Denver like last year, he said he could bring Ali again and have her stay with his parents. And then he said, "Why don't you send Lizzie too and have some time to yourself?" For a few days I thought "No way! What would I do??" And I thought some more and came up with about 1,000 things I could do!! So...Ali and Lizzie are going to stay with Oma & Opa for a few days! This has NEVER happened to me before...HOME with NO children!! SO are you wondering what I'm going to do during my FIVE independent days???

Well, Here is my list:
Day 1: SHOP! For as long as I like!! Buy paint for Lizzie's bedroom, jeans for Chris, scrapbook stuff, Lizzie's new bedding & birthday gifts
Day 2: PAINT! Lizzie's room is going to be PINK!
Day 3: Scrapbook! I have so much catching up to do!
Day 4: Errands, decorate Lizzie's new room
Day 5: Grocery shop, CLEAN and cook some meals to put in the freezer!

I'm so excited...a bit lonely but very excited!
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1 comment:

Melanie Anne said...

Emily--this sounds WONDERFUL!! I think of a million things to do too if I had a few days to myself! You were busy! The girls rooms look darling and so does yours! I had no idea you were such a seamstress. I am in awe of all your sewing. My sewinf machine seriously intimadates me! Where did you learn your skills? I am impressed!