Monday, February 22, 2010

Grandpa & Grandma!

The girls were so happy to have their Grandpa & Grandma come visit! They played so cute...Ali was making up lots of rules for their game of "You can't catch me" including magic "cards" where she was free on the carpet. I didn't get all of the rules straight but there was lots of laughing going on!

Here are the magic "cards" which are actually my dad's campaign cards. He is running for AZ state legislature for his district in Scottsdale. I guess he wasn't busy enough during his retirement and he decided that he wanted to make a difference at the state level! We are so proud and excited for him....let's hope the word gets out by next November!!
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1 comment:

Melanie Anne said...

What a fun visit with Grandma and Grandpa! Your Dad still looks the same! Tell him hello for me! I hope he wins his race. He will be great in the legislature! Goood fun him! What happened to truck driving? Remember when he told us when he retired he was going to be a truck driver so he could eat at all the road side dinners!! I still remember that and it makes me laugh!