Wednesday, September 5, 2012


 We had a 3 day Celebration for Finn's FIRST birthday! Grandpa & Grandma were in town and we surprised everyone and drove up to Pete & Sheila's house and we all took Finn to the zoo on his real birthday. It was great to see you again Dad and Janey! Ali got to skip school!! HE HE! The girls were so excited to see Tiare and Thadeus's so fun to have cousins in town!
 Helping finn to walk around the zoo!
 The next day we got to go to Boulder to hang out. Nana is in this picture...Chris took the day off work and Ali again skipped school! (I didn't think I would be that kind of parent...but I know it's important to spend time with family!!) We were SO lucky that Nana was in Colorado for a whole month!! She was so helpful with babysitting and I LOVED it when she would bring Finn over to my house so that Lizzie could play with Finn and she & I could talk. It was a very special time and I miss her already!! One night Chris let me go over to the condo she rented, we had a glass of wine, got pedicures, and went out to dinner at Wash Park Grill. It was SUCH a nice time to be able to spend with my mom! I love you MOM!!! :)
 The lure of the fountains was just too much and little by little they kept getting wetter and wetter until their dresses were SOAKED!! Fortunately, it was a hot day and they dried quickly!
Both girls LOVED seeing Finn so much over the summer...they played with him so well and loved taking care of him. He gets so excited to see the girls...he is such a happy guy and SUCH a cutie!! We love you Finn!

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